Denoted or V and also called electric potential. An induced voltage is sometimes called an electromotive force, although this terminology is somewhat archaic. Voltage is defined by the line integral
Therefore, in a constant electric field,
The voltage induced by a point charge q at a distance r in cgs is
and in MKS is
where is the permittivity of free space.
For a capacitor,
for an inductor,
and for a resistor,
The MKS unit of voltage is the volt. Another unit is the statvolt.
Therefore, in a constant electric field,
The voltage induced by a point charge q at a distance r in cgs is
and in MKS is
where is the permittivity of free space.
For a capacitor,
for an inductor,
and for a resistor,
The MKS unit of voltage is the volt. Another unit is the statvolt.