- Binary encrypted full NAND image.-解包的完整NAND静像bin文件
- Required modules for system control for use by IPL of debug hardware.-Debug(调试)硬件的IPL所需的系统控制模块
- Logging module for debug log review (log is saved after full write).-Debug日志复查模块(在完全写入后日志被保存)
A file used for testing that the system plays well (usually a demo of a PSP game). -一个用来测试系统运行正常的文件(通常是一个游戏Demo,有人发现貌似是大众高尔夫)
- 1.1v-3.5v debug unit for connecting through the serial port in 3rd. battery pin.
- Transmission of data is UNENCRYPTED but uses a XOR algorithm for transmission (easily parsed and analyzed).
- Contains any number of IPLs (different ones for each motherboard revision (TA-XXX))
- IPL is loaded into the Kernel Memory. ME area seems most likely (IPL of the PSP is the same but missing 2 essential modules that the debug unit has).
- Contains ipl_mg_modules.bin and ipl_mg_nanddriver.bin
- IPL is encrypted in 3 stages. Easily decrypted to show stages, but not for decrypt each individual stage.
- Contains a 40x120 column TFT screen for display.
- Has a SERIAL port for PC connectivity.
- Seems to have a 32MB ROM IMAGE on Flash.
- 8MB of RAM.
- Nickel-Cadmium Battery Cell (possibly 76 hour battery life).
- AC/DC adapter port 15V.
- Contains 4 buttons (on/off, reset, connect/disconnect, menu).
- Arrow keys UP and DOWN for menu.