98年一曲Sunny Came Home(我们翻译成阳光灿烂好还家)拿到Grammy年度唱片 并且在当年的Oscar上提名最佳原创电影歌曲 虽然最后输给了Titanic 但是也为民谣争得了不少脸面。
这首歌曲收录在电影Sweet November(甜蜜十一月)底原声带里面 这个电影已经很久了 主演Keanu Reeves和Charliez Theron现在早已经不是当年的他们 前者的人气日渐下滑 后者03年拿到Oscar影后。时间,确实是很残酷的东西。
这首歌曲里面你还会听到另外一个声音 那就是Dolly Parton对于他我不用做太多的介绍 介绍的话 这个版面也介绍不完 她是美国乡村音乐的一面旗帜 对于兰草音乐起到了非常大的贡献 是美国家喻户晓的明星 更是一位传奇性人物。大家都知道Whitney Houston的我将永远爱你吧?就是翻唱自她。
两位歌手 一个民谣 一个乡村 配合的相得益彰 完美无瑕。
There is a diamond inside of me that lights up the sky of my soul
Where fell the diamond when I believed that all of the hurt was my fault
I'm opening the heart door, letting in the light
Opening the heart door and giving life to me that died
You ended up so with that person who comes home too late from the bar
I ended up so when my courage could finally walk on its own
When I finally opened the door
I'm opening the heart door, letting in the light
Opening the heart door and giving life to me that died
You ended up so with that person who comes home too late from the bar
I ended up so when my courage could finally walk on its own
When I finally opened the heart door

这首歌曲收录在电影Sweet November(甜蜜十一月)底原声带里面 这个电影已经很久了 主演Keanu Reeves和Charliez Theron现在早已经不是当年的他们 前者的人气日渐下滑 后者03年拿到Oscar影后。时间,确实是很残酷的东西。
这首歌曲里面你还会听到另外一个声音 那就是Dolly Parton对于他我不用做太多的介绍 介绍的话 这个版面也介绍不完 她是美国乡村音乐的一面旗帜 对于兰草音乐起到了非常大的贡献 是美国家喻户晓的明星 更是一位传奇性人物。大家都知道Whitney Houston的我将永远爱你吧?就是翻唱自她。
两位歌手 一个民谣 一个乡村 配合的相得益彰 完美无瑕。
There is a diamond inside of me that lights up the sky of my soul
Where fell the diamond when I believed that all of the hurt was my fault
I'm opening the heart door, letting in the light
Opening the heart door and giving life to me that died
You ended up so with that person who comes home too late from the bar
I ended up so when my courage could finally walk on its own
When I finally opened the door
I'm opening the heart door, letting in the light
Opening the heart door and giving life to me that died
You ended up so with that person who comes home too late from the bar
I ended up so when my courage could finally walk on its own
When I finally opened the heart door
