Perspective on child care:

      工作 2006-9-17 21:43
Perspective on child care:
1、Common sense between meals(加餐常识)
Many young children,and some older ones, too, need a snack between meals.
If it's the right kind of food,given at a sensible hour and in the right way,it should't interfere with meals
or lead to feeding problems.
Fruit juice,fruit and vegetable juice are easily and quickly digested and are least likely to favor tooth decay.
Milk stays in stomach much longer and is therefore more likely to take away appetite for the next meal.
Cakes,cookies and pastry have three disadvantages:they are rich in calories,poor in other food values, and
Hard on the teeth(卡路里高,食物营养差,对牙齿不好).even crackers and bread stick to the teeth for some time,
And so are not ideal for a regular between-meal diet(不是两餐之间的理想常用饭食)。For most children the snack
is best given midway between meals,or not closer than 1 and 1.5 hours before the next one.

2、Why does an older child life?
A child isn't naturally deceitful (骗人的).when he lies regularly it means that he is under too much pressure
Of some kind. If he is failing in his schoolwork and lying about it ,it isn't because he doesn't care. His lying shows that he does care. Is the work too hard for him? Is he confused in his mind by setting too high standards? The job is to find out what is wrong, with the help of the teacher. You might say gently, "you don't have to lie to me.
Tell me what the trouble is and we'll see what we can do."but he won't be able to tell you the answer right away because he probably doesn't know it himself. Even if he knows some of his worries,he can't break down all at once
(不能立刻将其全部分析清楚)。It takes time and understanding.

3、Parents and teacher
The mother is easy to get along with a teacher if the child is the mother's pride and doing perfectly in class.
But if he is having trouble,the situation is quite different. The best parent and the best teacher are both very human.
Each has pride in the job she is doing. Each secretly feels, no matter how unreasonable she is , that the child would be doing better if the other would only handle him a little differently. The parents' main job is to give a clear history of the child's past, what his interests are , what he responds to well , what badly, and leave it to the teacher how best to apply this information in school. Teachers should help children to develop certain qualities. While children are at nurseries, teachers should try their best to provide the children with the best educational environment.

4、Sprains usually need examination and treatment
 If the child sprains his ankle (扭伤踝骨), have him lie down for a half hour or so and raise the foot on a pillow.
This keeps the deep hemorrhage(出血) and swelling(肿胀) to a minimum. If swelling occurs , you ought to consult the doctor as soon as possible, because it is possible that a bone has been broken.
If a child has fallen on his wrist and it remains painful, either when it is still(手不动时) or when it is moved, you have to suspect a fracture(骨折), even though there is no swelling. Many sprains and partial fractures are numb(失去知觉) for an hour or so and then become more and more painful.

5、Stammering is common between two and three(两三岁之间口吃是常见的)
We don't entirely understand stammering , but we know several things about it. It often runs in families, and it's much commoner in boys . this means that it is easier for certain individual(某个人) to develop it . we know that a child's emotional state has a lot to do with stammering. Most cases occur in somewhat tense children.
Some stammer only when they are excited or when they are talking to one particular person.
Why is stammering so common between 2 and 3? There are two possible explanations. This is the age period
when a child is working very hard at his talking. When he was younger, he used short sentences that he didn't need to think out . but when he gets past 2, he tries to make up longer sentences to express new ideas. Sometimes, a parent doesn't pay too much attention to the child's talk. So the child is further frustrated by not being able to hold his audience(由于吸引不了听者就更感到沮丧)

6、Giving choices
Making decisions is part of growing up . children must learn to think, rather than simply doing what the teacher says. But in the early days teachers or parents cannot leave choices entirely to the child, because he or she will often make decisions that are bad for health( like "deciding" only to clean teeth weekly ) or intolerable to you (like "deciding' to play in the mud in "best clothes")
The trick is to organize things so that the child has complete freedom of decision between a carefully Limited set of choices. He or she can clean teeth now or after a story; go to the lavatory now or later or write a few sentences or draw a picture.

7、There are many causes for failure in schoolwork
Individual problems are more common when a school is using rigid teaching methods(死板的教学方法)when the classes are too large for individual attention.
In children themselves, there are various reasons for poor grades. On the physical side, there are eye defects, deafness, occasional tiredness or illness. On the psychological side , there is the child unable to read because of a special difficulty in recognizing words, the child who is too nervous and worried about other things, the one who can't get along with teacher or pupils. There is the child who is too smart and the one who can't do the work because his intelligence isn't up to it(智力达不到)
    Don't scold or punish the child who is having difficulties. Try to find out where the trouble lies. Consult (咨询)With the principal or teachers. Get the help of the school guidance counselor if there is one .Have the child tested by the school psychologist if that seems the next step. Have him examined physically, including his vision and hearing.(视听觉)

8、  Taking things in early childhood
Small children of 1,2 and 3 take things that don't belong to them, but it isn't really stealing. They don't have any clear sense of what belongs to them and what doesn't . they just take things because they want them very much . it's better not to make a small child feel wicked(坏).the teacher needs only to
remind him the toy is Xiao Ming's ,and Xiao Ming will want to play with it soon, and that he himself has lots of good toys at home.
Stealing happens occasionally in the period between 6 and adolescence. When a child at this age takes something, he knows he is doing wrong. He is more likely to steal secretly , to hide what he has stolen, and to deny that he has done it. You can tell the child firmly to send the thing back, but it's not necessary
to humiliate the child.(使孩子丢脸)  

   9、Let the child enjoy his duties(让孩子从尽职中得到乐趣)
     How does a child learn to perform various duties ?by his very nature ,he starts out feeling that dressing himself,brushing his eth ,sweeping ,putting things away ,are exciting and grow-up things to do . if we succeed in keeping on good terms with him (成功地与其交往) as he grows older, he enjoys going on errands(跑腿),helping the teacher carrying bags, beating rugs, because he still wants to have a part in important jobs and to please us. A child can't be expected to continue indefinitely(无休止地) to be responsible about his duties. Sometimes he may mess the place or break a thing or two. Don't worry about this , because that's the way children are learning.

10、Let children play at their own level
A grownup playing with a child often is tempted(总有意) to make the play too complicated. They think children understand the game. So they lead the child to play. But very often children don't know what adult are doing.
they may be a bit slow. So many adults get a little impatient. It's hard for a parent not to say ,"oh , no, not like that.See, you do it this way ." "you put the car on the track like this."many adults can't wait to get started (迫不及待).they like to put things together instead of the child. This is wrong. Usually a child becomes interested in dressing dolls properly(规规矩矩地给娃娃穿衣服),coloring carefully, playing trains realistically(一本正经地玩火车),each at a certain stage of his development. You can't hurry him. When you try, you only Make him feel incompetent (感动无能). This does more harm than good(弊大于利). The child loves to have you play with him if you are willing to play at his level. Let him show you how. Help him if he asks for it.

  11、About dirty words
Sometimes at 3, more often at 4, children like to pick up some dirty words and use them. They think they are very witty(诙谐的) and bold . you should consider this a normal development. You can tell your child to stop it if you don't like it.
As they grow older , all normal children who have a chance to be around other children learn swear(咒骂) Words and "dirty" words. Long before they know what the words mean, they know that they are naughty. Being human, they repeat them to show that they are wise and not afraid to be a little bad. What's a good teacher to do? It's better not to jump out of your skin(大惊小怪) or act horribly shocked. For the timid child this has too strong an effect; it worries him, makes him afraid to be around children who use bad words. On the other hand , I don't think that you have to sit mute and just take it (装聋作哑接受这种事). You can just tell him firmly that you and most people don't like to hear those words and you don't want him to use them.

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