//Check if the browser is InternetExplorer, and if it supports the getElementById DOM method
var ie = (document.defaultCharset && document.getElementById && !window.home);
var opera9 = false;
if (ie){
//Check for ie 5.5 and exclude it from the script
var ver=navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")
ie = (ver >=6)
}else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")!=-1) {
//Check for Opera9 and include it in the ObjectSwap
var versionindex=navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")+6
if (parseInt(navigator.userAgent.charAt(versionindex))>=9)
opera9 = true;
//Perform ObjectSwap if the browser is IE or Opera (if not just check flashVersion)
var oswap = (ie || opera9)
//Hide the object to prevent it from loading twice
if (oswap){
document.write ("<style id='hideObject'> object{display:none;} </style>");
/*Replace all flash objects on the page with the same flash object,
by rewriting the outerHTML values
This bypasses the new IE ActiveX object activation issue*/
objectSwap = function(){
if (!document.getElementsByTagName){
//An array of ids for flash detection
var stripQueue = [];
//Get a list of all ActiveX objects
var objects = document.getElementsByTagName('object');
for (var i=0; i<objects.length; i++){
var o = objects[i];
var h = o.outerHTML;
//The outer html omits the param tags, so we must retrieve and insert these separately
var params = "";
var hasFlash = true;
for (var j = 0; j<o.childNodes.length; j++) {
var p = o.childNodes[j];
if (p.tagName == "PARAM"){
//Check for version first - applies to all browsers
//For this to work, a new param needs to be included in the object with the name "flashVersion" eg:
//<param name="flashVersion" value="7" />
if (p.name == "flashVersion"){
hasFlash = detectFlash(p.value);
if (!hasFlash){
//Add the objects id to the list (create a new id if there's isn't one already)
o.id = (o.id == "") ? ("stripFlash"+i) : o.id;
params += p.outerHTML;
if (!hasFlash){
//Only target internet explorer
if (!oswap){
//Avoid specified objects, marked with a "noswap" classname
if (o.className.toLowerCase().indexOf ("noswap") != -1){
//Get the tag and attributes part of the outer html of the object
var tag = h.split(">")[0] + ">";
//Add up the various bits that comprise the object:
//The tag with the attributes, the params and it's inner html
var newObject = tag + params + o.innerHTML + " </OBJECT>";
//And rewrite the outer html of the tag
o.outerHTML = newObject;
//Strip flash objects
if (stripQueue.length) {
//Make the objects visible again
if (oswap){
document.getElementById("hideObject").disabled = true;
detectFlash = function(version){
if(navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length){
//Non-IE flash detection.
var plugin = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"];
if (plugin == undefined){
return false;
var ver = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"].description.split(" ")[2];
return (Number(ver) >= Number(version))
} else if (ie && typeof (ActiveXObject) == "function"){
//IE flash detection.
var flash = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." + version);
return true;
return false;
//Catchall - skip detection
return true;
//Loop through an array of ids to strip
//Replace the object by a div tag containing the same innerHTML.
//To display an alternative image, message for the user or a link to the flash installation page, place it inside the object tag.
//For the usual object/embed pairs it needs to be enclosed in comments to hide from gecko based browsers.
stripFlash = function (stripQueue){
if (!document.createElement){
for (var i=0; i<stripQueue.length; i++){
var o = document.getElementById(stripQueue[i]);
var newHTML = o.innerHTML;
//Strip the comments
newHTML = newHTML.replace(/<!--\s/g, "");
newHTML = newHTML.replace(/\s-->/g, "");
//Neutralise the embed tag
newHTML = newHTML.replace(/<embed/gi, "<span");
//Create a new div element with properties from the object
var d = document.createElement("div");
d.innerHTML = newHTML;
d.className = o.className;
d.id = o.id;
//And swap the object with the new div
o.parentNode.replaceChild(d, o);
//Initiate the function without conflicting with the window.onload event of any preceding scripts
var tempFunc = window.onload;
window.onload = function(){
if (typeof (tempFunc) == "function"){
} catch(e){}
<script type="text/javascript" src="objectSwap.js存放的相对路径"></script>