RocketDock是一款Windows上的仿Mac文件工具列,它将Mac上的漂亮工具列移植到了Windows ,让视窗作业系统的使用者也能够体验.
RocketDock 让你使用 Windows更加的动感,它运用着极少的内存以及 CPU 资源,让你就算使用着旧计算机,也不会感到计算机变慢.内建多种面板模式,以及一组的图标,如果觉得面板模式太少或是图标太少,还可以自行选用自己喜欢的 图标.而且图标的可不是只能用 ICO 、PNG 图片格式,它一样能够支持,让你的图标看起来更加的漂亮.而且还支持使用拖曳的方式来自订要启动的程序,或是资料夹,让你自己打造一个动感味十足,界面漂 亮,占用极少资源的个人专属快捷工具栏.
* Minimize windows to the dock
* Real-time window previews in Vista
* Running application indicators
* Simple drag-n-drop interface
* Multi-monitor support
* Supports alpha-blended PNG and ICO icons
* Icons zoom and transition smoothly
* Auto-hide and Popup on mouse over
* Positioning and layering options
* Fully customizable
* Completely Portable
* ObjectDock Docklet support
* Compatible with MobyDock, ObjectDock, RK Launcher, and Y'z Dock skins
* Runs great on slower computers
* Unicode compliant
* Supports many languages and can easily be translated
* A friendly user base :)
* And best of all... its FREE
- Fixed garbled INI files being created on Win2k
- Fixed Arguments not being evaluated for Environment Variables
- Fixed buffer overflow in the asyncronous ShellExecute code... This should fix crashing when dragging large amounts of files into the dock.
- Fixed incorrect centering when on the Left or Right side of the monitor
- Fixed stuck skins when booting in Vista
- Fixed a thread handle being closed twice when launching icons, this was throwing an exception
- Fixed Docklet bug that was "freezing" the dock with the iCal docklet
- Fixed Docklet bug that was preventing docklets from showing the default Icon Settings window
- Fixed Docklets losing their character encoding when converting to and from Unicode (hopefully)
- Fixed "Open Running" being enabled for docklet settings
- Fixed some windows having a problem being restored from "Open Running Instance"
- Fixed fonts being improperly clipped
- Changed the two "load defaults?" dialogs to be "yes/no" instead of "ok/cancel"
- Added some usefull info to generated debug files
- Updated the CC license to 3.0
