Uplink v1.55 - 黑客精英

      网络风 2007-8-1 12:51

这是英国Introversion Software出的一个游戏,在游戏中你将要扮演一个神通广大的黑客,在网络上接受任务,然后破解世界各地的电脑系统.虽然现实中的黑客并非都是如此简单的,但也可以让你领略到做黑客的滋味.
游戏里不需要你懂得太多的专业知识,反而会教你许多东西,只要你英语过得去.你是作为UPLINK的一个黑客,注册了以后你会得到一笔初始的资金和初始的软硬件,我只玩了一个教学任务,就是从UPLINK的TEST SERVER上盗取一个FILE然后SEND回到客户那里.如果你是熟悉黑客的知识,你可以自己去做,如果不会的话,会有一个教学模式一步一步的教你.


《黑客精英》中文帮助  http://www.gameking.com.cn/glmj_yy/gl/gl-h/hkjy.htm

Changes in version 1.55:
- Fixed : Crashes with invalid floating point operations.
- Fixed : Problem on Linux with .dat files directly in Uplink directory and not in the lib/ sub directory. (Happen when upgrading from some older version of Uplink to a newer version)
- Fixed : A crash with LANs having invalid location.
- Fixed : A crash with LANs having invalid links.
- Fixed : A crash with LANs having modems without phone number.
- Fixed : Crashes with PasswordBreaker/DictionaryHacker if their target screen isn't there anymore.
- Fixed : Crashes with tasks if their interface isn't there anymore.
- Added : A code card (codecard.txt) to the online download version of Uplink.
- Added : Software rendering option to the Windows version of Uplink. Also change to software rendering if the game crash during OpenGL initialization.
- Added : Show Bank IP on the Finance interface.
- Changed : Steam Authentication is now done with the help of a external DLL, this should permit new MODs to work with Steam.
- Changed : Much better error handling on Linux and some minor tweaks to error handling on Windows.
- Changed : Loading a corrupted saved game (agent) should now show a message box instead of crashing.



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