TotalIdea推出了首款Windows Vista调整优化软件TweakVI,它可以调整Vista中上百个隐藏选项,优化和个性化你的机器。
- 上百个Vista隐藏功能设定调整。
- 注册表清理、系统和软件运行限制设置。
- 系统详细信息显示。
- 可以创建一个256 MB RAM磁盘。
- 保护个人隐私。
- 清理磁盘。
- 管理TrueType字体。
- 优化网络连接。
- 优化处理器运行效能。
- 优化内存、管理系统更新。
v1.0 build 1065 - June 17th 2007
+ Spanish language files added - TweakVI's user interface is now completely available in Spanish
+ A new 'Subscription Manager' feature added to the main application
+ Completely re-designed online update feature for our subscribers of TweakVI ultimate and premium
+ A few new Intel CPUs added to the CPU tweaks plugin
- Fixing a bug in the 'Restore settings' feature causing an improper reset of one tweak in the 'Visual tweaks' section
* Quite a lot of changes to the main application's executable
* Heaps of changes and improvements to the setup
* Subscriber editions only: the setup now downloads additional subscription information for the registered user to keep him informed on the subscription expiration date
官方下载:(Basic Edition - Free!)