【2006-12-05】【LPU 6 隆重推出】

      音乐香 2006-12-26 17:48


Hey LP Fans,
The relationship we have with you has always been and still is very important to us. When we got to the point in our career when we couldn't hang out at the merch booth and speak with you guys one on one, we decided to create a fan club where hardcore Linkin Park fans could get unreleased music, autographs in person and other exclusive items and benefits. LP Underground has been around since 2001. This is the first year that we're making it available to the fans by selling it in Best Buy stores as well as online at LPUnderground.com. In addition to the package, we're going to continue meeting our fanclub members at just about every show at LPU meet and greets. We also have a new mobile aspect to the club with ringtones, text alerts, and a special website with exclusive content. I think this year's LPU6 CD is the best one to date!

We look forward to sharing our full studio album with all new music with you next year, but in the meantime we wanted to give our fan club something exclusive. YOU guys make everything we do possible and in return, we will continue to make LPU the best fanclub around.

Rob - Linkin Park


1. LPU6 CD(包含最新录音室歌曲及现场曲目)
2. LPU6 T-Shirt
3. LPU6的表带
4. LPU6的吉他拨片
5. LPU6会员卡片
6. LPU6手机铃声、手机壁纸
7. 来自 Linkin Park 的亲笔信
8. 属于自己的@likinpark.com邮箱
9. LPU6的音频或视频短片

LPU6 CD中共有6首歌,其中一首是纯音乐,两首是两个不同版本的QWERTY,还有三首Live,分别是

01:Announcement Service Public (New Instrumental)
02:QWERTY (demo)
03:QWERTY (live)
04:Pushing Me Away (live)
05:Breaking the Habit (live)
06:Reading My Eyes (live)

此次LPU6共分$ 20,$ 30,$ 12三种价位,分别对应LPU6 pass,LPU5+6 pass跟LPU6 online only pass




给个Underground 6.0的下载地址



01.Announcement Service Public (New Instrumental)
02.QWERTY (demo)
03.QWERTY (live)
04.Pushing Me Away (live)
05.Breaking the Habit (live)
06.Reading My Eyes (live)


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