about the msn book sender robot 如何通过msn机器人下载电子书

      工作学习 2005-4-7 13:39
about the msn book sender robot 如何通过msn机器人下载电子书     

pls know that the msn robot will try to always be online but not make any promise!

And it was founded that someone cannot download the ebook because the connection was blocked by firework!


1.how to download book from msn robot? a.add icuc_book_sender@hotmail.com

b.send command "list folders" to list all folders(more than 20 folders)

c.copy line of the return message like "listBooksInFolder j2ee",and send to robot. l

istBooksInFolder j2ee --mean that :list all the ebooks in the "j2ee" folder.

d.copy line of the return message like "downloadBook j2ee/J2EE In Practice.rar" In Practice.rar",and send to robot. "downloadBook j2ee/J2EE In Practice.rar" --mean that :download the book "J2EE In Practice.rar" under the "j2ee" folder.

2.how to suggest(bug) .

a.suggest here.

b.use the command "suggest+blank+whatYouWantToSuggest",and the rebot will receive your suggestiong "whatYouWantToSuggest"

c.contact to jim'msn: zwz_2001@hotmail.com

d.email: zwz_hotmail@hotmail.com
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