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            -=Oracle、MS SQLServer还有MySQL,当然也少不了应用程序数据库操作=-

Whats New in MysQL5.0

公司的Oracle数据库不让连,机器上的MSSQL Server又....。没办法还是用MySQL实惠。还是开源的,至少不会有版权问题^_^。
目前主要的开源数据库有mysql,postgresql,ingres,firebird(interbase)(borland宣interbase6为开源,firebird源于interbase6 open source),berkeley db。
比较有名和应用比较多的当属MySQL,现在最新发布的版本是mysql5.0测试版(beta software),目前只是用于开发测试新特性MySQL Community Edition has not been certified and is not considered ready for enterprise production use.
mysql5.0拥有程序员们比较关注的存储过程、触发器、视图等企业级应用的功能,新版本发布后更是激起了人们对开源数据库的兴趣和关注。现在人们能乐于拿MySQL5.0与Oracle或MSSQL Server相比较。
Whats New in MysQL5.0
The following features are implemented in MySQL5.0
1、Bit Data Type :Can be used to store numbers in binary notation.
2、Data Dictionary(Information Schema):The introduction of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database in MySQl5.0 provided a standards-compliant means for accessing the MySQL Server's metadata,that is,data about the databases(schemas) on the server and the objects which they contain.
3、Instance Manager: Can be used to start and stop the MySQL Server, even from a remote host.
4、Precision Math: MySQL 5.0 introduced stricter criteria for acceptance or rejection of data, and implemented a new library for fixed-point arithmetic. These contributed to a much higher degree of accuracy for mathematical operations and greater control over invalid values.
5、Storage Engines: Storage engines added in MySQL 5.0 include ARCHIVE and FEDERATED.
6、Stored Routines: Support for named stored procedures and stored functions was implemented in MySQL 5.0.
7、Strict Mode and Standard Error Handling: MySQL 5.0 added a strict mode where by it follows standard SQL in a number of ways in which it did not previously. Support for standard SQLSTATE error messages was also implemented.
8、Triggers: MySQL 5.0 added limited support for triggers.
9、VARCHAR Data Type: The maximum effective length of a VARCHAR column was increased to 65,532 bytes, and stripping of trailing whitespace was eliminated.
10、Views: MySQL 5.0 added support for named, updateable views.
For more information about the new features dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/mysql-5-0-nutshell.html




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