經歷這一段可怕的暴力事件,又掛心在出發至巴黎之前所撿到一隻流浪貓,而寫下了【 PUSSY】這首歌詞。
歌詞的結尾,give a hand to anyone,是說 ,我們相信,小小的力量也可以改變世界,因為愛,我們不再恐懼。
如同製作人鍾成虎說的:「Pussy原本是一個輕蔑的字眼,但此時居然如此嚴肅而充滿光芒 。」
《PUSSY》— 词曲:陈绮贞
I had a cat
Something pretty
Something small
Something naive
won't tell you bad
won't ask you why
I'd love my cat
Something really
Something bigger
Something guilty
It takes your time
It takes your trust
So easy
I saw a cat
without a social life
without a cafe
without an explain
nobody helped me like I did to my little pussy
give a hand to anyone