People Management Effectiveness Measurement Matrix
People Management Effectiveness Measurement Matrix
Main Measurements |
Behaviors |
理解他人,尊重他人 Understand and respect the others |
言行不进行人身攻击,直接进行有建设性的沟通 No personal attack verbally or by action, directly conduct constructive communication |
尊重事实,了解实情,在未充分了解实情之前不随便发表意见 Respect the facts, and never make comments without adequate knowing about the situation. | |
尊重别人的专业领域,不妄加指责与评论。 Respect the other's professional opinion, never casually criticize and comment | |
换位思考,当意见有悖时,不固执己见,多从别人的角度去看问题 Empathic thinking; don't insist on own opinion and view the problem from other's perspective when argument happened. | |
善于聆听,先听再说 Effectively listening, speaking after listening | |
在力所能及的范围内尽可能提供有效的帮助 Try your best to provide the effective help for others | |
热爱本职, 专业精神 Work in professional style and have passion for the business |
以公司、本职工作为自豪,积极维护公司的形象和利益 Be proud of company and position, proactively maintain the company’s image and benefit |
以正面积极的态度对待工作,影响下属 Proactively treat the work and influence the subordinates as well | |
不断自我学习,自我完善,对工作精益求精 Continually learning and self-development, keep improving the working process | |
乐于推广本部门,本专业的知识与服务 Spread professional knowledge, provide departmental service with pressure | |
对于不足与欠缺,以正面的态度去解决,不推卸责任 Facing at the shortcoming and deficiency, solve the problems and never push the responsibility aside | |
不滥用电子邮件,多用直接沟通,少谈空话,多干实事 Never abuse notes mail, advocate direct communication; doing more than saying | |
熟悉本领域知识技能,能提出专业性的意见和建议 Master the specific knowledge and skill, provide the professional ideas and suggestions to others | |
积极寻求机会为公司,为组织创造价值 Proactively seek the company development opportunities, create values for the organization. | |
持续改进,勇于挑战权威,以发展和创新的眼光看公司和部门的业务发展 Continual improvement, dare to challenge the authority; Observe the business with the developing and innovational view | |
业务为先,客户至上 Put business First and be customer oriented |
以公司的整体,长远利益为出发点,不搞部门/小团体保护主义 Focus on the company’s integrity and long-term development, never protecting the departmental and team’s benefits |
积极进行跨部门的合作和沟通,共同解决问题 Actively conduct the cross-functional cooperation and communication, solve the problems together | |
遇到问题不推卸责任,不互相指责,综合多方面因素进行分析,以解决问题为目的 Never shift off the responsibility, and never mutually criticize when meeting difficulties and problems; Analyze the problem’s cause first, then focus on solving the problem | |
培养高度的服务意识,定义自己的内外部客户 Foster the sense of service, define what your internal/external customers | |
对客户做积极及时的沟通和响应,尽全力解决客户问题,不断创造客户价值 Communicate with customer actively and respond on time; try your best to solve the customers’ problem, create the additional value for the customers | |
跨部门解决客户问题时,积极参与协调,保持步调一致 Participate and coordinate actively to keep the consistent pace when across-functionally solving the customers problem | |
领导能力 (权力组成 领导风格、个人影响力及领导魅力) Leadership: Have proper leaders' styles, personal influence and leader charm |
驾驭全局的能力,有创造性思维 Control the whole company, have creative thinking |
发起,领导和管理变革的能力 Ability to initiate, lead, and do the change management | |
优秀的公司内及社会活动能力 Excellent company-wide coordinated capability, and keep good public/social relationship | |
有号召力,卓越的推动,协调能力 Ability to effectively infect, push and coordinate others to go forward | |
敢于做出决定,勇于承担责任 Dare to make decision, and face the music | |
在遇到异议的时候,临危不乱,保持正确的判断力;并能够力排众议,说服他人的能力 Holding the right judgment in face of demurral and difficulty; prevail over all dissenting views and persuade the other support yourself | |
有恰当正确的授权 Properly and accurately make delegation | |
建设团队 (优秀团队特征 处理团队冲突 问题处理方式) Team building: Know the traits of outstanding teamwork, have good approaches to solve the conflicts and problems in the team |
能建立一个合理的组织结构 Ability to build up a proper organization |
合理配置人员,有效利用并适时调整资源以适应组织目标的变化 Allocate the human resource properly; effectively utilize and adjust the resource to adapt for the change of organization objectives | |
建立团队目标,明确团队的任务 Establish the team objectives, clarify the team task | |
激励团队,营造积极向上的团队氛围,增强团队凝聚力 Motivate teammates, build the flourishing team climate, enhance the team power | |
有效控制团队内冲突,化解内部矛盾 Effectively control the team conflicts, relieve/eliminate internal contradiction | |
建立有效的团队内部及跨团队的沟通协调机制 Build up the effective internal/external communication system | |
建立持续改进,不断学习的团队 Build up the consistent improvement and learning team | |
设立关键岗位人员的培养计划及发展渠道 Setup key position training plan and developing channel | |
目标管理 (设立目标的步骤 如何为下属指定目标) Object management: Set up business objects, how to assign the work task to subordinates |
具体事物具体分析,进行充分的数据分析及资源评估,作为目标管理的基础 Objective management should base on specific and adequate data analysis and resource assessment |
依据不同的工作任务,设立合理的工作目标 Setup proper working objective according to different working task | |
目标设立具前瞻性,同时符合SMART原则 Setup the predictive and SMART objectives | |
合理分解目标,人人明确目标 Properly decompose the objectives, ensure everyone know their objectives | |
设立阶段性目标并进行阶段性的评估 Setup milestones and do the assessment when go to next milestone | |
根据外部情况变化,及时调整目标 Adjust the objective on time according to external situational change | |
执行管理 (坚决执行决策 事先事后管理) Execution management: fulfill the policy firmly, the pre-control and post-control |
根据目标的重要性和紧迫程度合理排出任务的优先执行顺序 Ability the prioritize the tasks according to the important and urgent level of the objectives |
合理安排资源,统筹规划,制定合理的执行计划 Properly allocate resource and plan as whole; define the proper execution plan | |
对相关资源与团队进行充分的建设性的沟通(包括主动和被动) Constructively communicate with relevant source and team | |
积极寻求资源和帮助以完成目标 Actively seek the assistant resource to achieve the goal | |
设立阶段性的评估机制和管理系统,并适时调整下阶段的执行计划 Setup the assessment and management system; adjust the execution plan timely | |
执行过程中的任何问题,以解决问题为目标,不推卸责任 Solve the problems during execution, never shift off the responsibility | |
及时总结经验教训,并采取相关的改善措施 Summarize the experience and failure lessons on time, and take relevant improvement action | |
绩效(管理)评估 (绩效标准 评估方法 赏罚分明,承认劳动)Performance Assessment: standard measurement of success, evaluation approaches, rewards and punishment clearly, recognize contribution |
注重结果兼顾过程,以设定的目标为基础 Assessment should be result oriented according to established goal, as well as course |
收集多方意见,以事实为依据 Collecting lateral opinion, assess the employee according as fact | |
注重在评估期内的表现 Focus on the performance in the whole duration | |
根据员工表现, 及时进行沟通,奖惩分明 Performance interview on time, give fair and reasonable award and punishment according to employee’s performance | |
对表现好的员工及时给予肯定和激励;对问题员工及时给予咨商和制定改善方案;对需离职员工,之前进行法律方面的确认 Recognize and motivate the good performer on time; help the poor performer to improve; clarify the labor law terms before dismissing the employee | |
按时完成人员管理方面的任务 Cooperate with HR program schedule to achieve the tasks of people management on time | |
激励员工 (建立合理激励制度,包括精神和物质 认可与赞美)Motivation: set up the reasonable motivation rule including spirit and material, praise and recognition |
合理及时利用各种激励手段和方式对员工进行精神和物质的认可和奖励 Using all kinds of motivation method to recognize or reward the employee |
根据不同员工的需求特点,利用不同激励手段达到最大的激励效果 Utilizing different motivation method to maximize the effect of motivation according to different requirements of the different employee | |
公平合理,按贡献、业绩、表现制定分配原则 Fairly and reasonable to distribute the compensation & benefit basing on the contribution and business performance | |
培养下属 (教育 培训 教导 发展规划) Employee Cultivation: educating, training, coaching development staff |
定义各个岗位的标准资质模型和职业发展指导图 Define the position’s competency model and career plan for employee |
了解员工的特点和能力,帮助建立和执行合理的个人发展计划 Clear about the employee’s attributes and skill, help them to build up and execute the IDP | |
积极寻求,发掘和利用各种资源来帮助员工的发展 Actively seek and utilize all kinds of resources to develop employee’s competency | |
定期评估团队的资源分配状况,安排不同的培训,发展计划 Timely review team’s source allocation, arrange different training course to develop employee | |
阶段性的评估员工的发展状况,给予员工积极的反馈 Assess the employee’s development status timely, and give positive feedback | |
配合公司内的人才流动机制, 重点培养有作为有潜力的员工 Emphasis on fostering the high potentials by cooperating with company-wide talent flow system | |
充分利用各种机会对员工进行指导和帮助,根据员工的特点采用适当的培养方法 Adequately utilize every chances to assist and coach the employee; differentiate the fostering method according to the employee personality | |
激发员工的主动性和自信心 Inspire the employee’s self-motivation and self-confidence | |
建立团队内部关键岗位的继任计划,培养和发展岗位的接班人,确保团队的可持续性发展 Setup succession plan for key position, develop the successor to ensure team’s consistent development |