英语角 2005-8-13 20:20
Action English (173)动感英语 (173)
Movie dictionary 电影词典
stereo sound 扬声器

American slang 美国俚语
I got us a way out of this mess (片中)
a way out of this mess 想一个方法摆脱麻烦
例:The traffic is terrible today! we need to find a way out of this mess.
例:I have 3 exams and an interview tomorrow. I really need a way out of this mess!
我明天有3 次测试和一次面试。我真得想办法摆脱困境

Classic film clips 经典对白
<1>just get over here 来我这
例:I need you to get over here my office to help me with this report.
例:Can you get over here my place and then we 'llgo to the party together
<2>busy bee 很忙碌但效率很快
例:He's not much of a busy bee. It always take him hours to do a small piece of work .
例:I was a real busy bee yesterday and painted the whole house.

Movie Tunes 原声碟
from<<玩具总动员>> strange things "真是怪事”
I was on top of the world
it was right in my pocket
I was living the life
things were just the way they should be
When from out of the sky like a bomb comes some little punk in a rocket
now all of a sudden some strange things are happening to me

I had friends,
I had lots of friends
Now all my friends are gone
And I'm doing the best I can to carry on

I had power (power)
I was respected (respect)
But not any more
And I've lost the love to the one whom I adored

Let me tell you about the strange things are happening to me
Strange things
Strange things are happening to me...
Ain't no doubt about it

You got someone you think you know well
It turns out a stranger
The minute you turn your back
You're in it all by yourself

They laugh at your jokes,
You think you're doing well
But you're in danger, boy
You end up alone, forgotten, way up on the shelf

Strange things are happening to me
Strange things
Strange things are happening to me
Ain't no doubt about it

Strange things are happening to me
Strange things
Strange things are happening to me

Strange things
Strange things
on top of the world 你的感觉到了顶峰
in my pocket 掌握在手
living the life 享受一生
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